Areas of Practice

Labour Disputes


Mediation and arbitration for labour disputes arising out of a Collective Agreement. John has experience in dealing with issues such as discipline, health and safety and collective agreement interpretation.

Wrongful Dismissal


John practised employment law on Bay Street before moving in-house. He can assist a Company and a departed employee with the issues that typically keep them apart following a termination, such as severance, unpaid bonuses and outstanding allowances.

Workplace investigations


John has been involved in numerous workplace investigations, including issues of harassment or discrimination. John has extensive experience in working with bargaining unit employees and their representatives. He also has extensive knowledge on the role OHSA plays in the workplace, and the legal obligations that parties have in respect of harassment and/or violence in the workplace.

Health & Safety Mediations


For almost 20 years, John has worked closely with sophisticated members of Joint Health and Safety Committees. He recognizes the importance of the internal responsibility system and how “safety” must not become political. He has extensive experience dealing with the MOL and the Labour Board.